Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer at Green Grass House

The coop's front door, which we never use anymore with the enclosed run on the back. That mint there is absolutely full to the brim with fuzzy bees - the kids have figured out how to sit very still and gently pet the bees while they are busy gathering goodies off our herb garden.
 One view of the messy garden - no where near what we had hoped and planned to have this year, but it's getting there, slowly but surely!
 I had a chance to count recently - 32 varieties of herbs, culinary and medicinal, in our herb garden at this point. Elsewhere in the yard we have four more varieties of oregano, six types of lavender and seven mints.
 HOPS!!! These bines are awesome, over 10 feet tall in two growing seasons, with cute little papery blossoms starting to ripen up - now to brew some beer!
Sassy pants Joe the Rooster is keeping an eye on me while I take this picture - several of the girls are behind him in the bark, hoses and periwinkle, dust bathing and enjoying the shade.

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