Thursday, April 9, 2020

I've outdone myself

I've outdone myself on length of time between posts this time. Nearly four years. Things have changed so much I'm not sure just an update would even do it justice. I suppose I can start, just for ease, with an update on the bullet points from my last (long ago) post.
  • Sara will be turning 18 this year. I'm about to have an adult kiddo. It feels a bit surreal.
  • Alex is 9 inches taller than me.
  • The crazy-never-ending-eleven-year-and-counting-remodeling project that is the Green Grass House in a nutshell still has an end in sight, but STILL isn't where we want it to be.
  • We are (sort of) still homeschooling but have scaled back homesteading, too. This statement gives me some pause, and will need some more thinking and fleshing out, in another post.
For the next two bullets we take a serious jog to the side, because so much has changed, just in the last four weeks. 
  • The family business, Roberts Sales, HAD grown by leaps and bounds every year for several years running and kept David good and busy, but slowed down the last two years, and, in unrelated news, is currently closed. Yes, closed.
  • We currently have no fun things on our slate for this summer. In fact, we have no idea what summer will even look like at this point.
So, let's talk changes!  If I would have had myself together, I might have posted a January update, like so many years in the past, but even if I had, it wouldn't look like life right now. Since March 13, we have been on a stay at home order (school systems), that was greatly increased on March 25 (Denver non-essential businesses)  and again on March 26 (Jefferson County businesses). As of April 3, schools went to remote learning for the rest of the year. After seeing many folks suggest that keeping a journal of this time would be beneficial, or at least interesting historically, I decided to resurrect the ol' blog and chronicle things as they are . I'm going to start with a recap of the last few months on a world wide scale before delving back into what this means to our little homestead. Onward to the next post!

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