A new place, a new blog to celebrate the craziness that is! Just because we can't seem to resist- we only had one or two projects left at the Zurich Ct. house, so of course, that seems like the PERFECT time to move into someplace and start all over with remodeling. This time we really are going for the gusto - the Green Grass House is a 60 year old farmhouse in Lakewood, complete with horse and chicken zoning, a half acre yard and all sorts of personality :) The real reason for the move is to build a shop, someplace to have
Flutterby Designs that doesn't involve trooping people through half of the house to get to the office. The added bonuses are two fireplaces, a ginormous garden plot already fenced off, a cute little attic room that Sara has dubbed "the Hidey Hole", well and ditch water (woohoo!) and the cutest sconces in the front room. Some of the bummers include teeny bedrooms, interesting but outdated kitchen and bathrooms, fences that Charlie may or may not be able to jump (that remains to be seen...), being way closer to a major highway than we would really prefer and gobs of flooring that needs to go.
Which brings us to the name. Why the Green Grass House? This should help clear it up:

When we were house hunting, Sara had names for the places we looked at - one was the Cat House because they had two cats there, another the River house because the yard was right on a little stream - this one just happened to be Green Grass House- I would say for obvious reasons. Alas, the green grass is coming out- with our allergies, hard floors are so much better for us, and this beautiful house has plenty of hard woods under almost everything from what we can tell so far. We were really hoping to save some to make a bound rug for the Hidey Hole, but there isn't any section long enough that isn't also pretty worn, so we will have to find another choice for there. We pulled up about half of the carpet and pads yesterday, two rooms to go today - whew!
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